A front door is the first line of defense when it comes to securing your home. Therefore, if you want to improve the security of your home, you must improve the security of your front door.

It’s also one of the most commonly vulnerable points in a residence or business, thanks to its keyhole and handle often left unlocked.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for ways to improve security at work or want peace of mind knowing your family is safe inside, these 9 tactics will improve your front door security dramatically!

1. Install a Good Quality Deadbolt

A keyhole is one of the most common ways to enter your home. So, if you have any fears that someone may try and break in, it’s important to improve the security on your front door by installing a good-quality deadbolt.

There are two types of locks at your disposal: an inside cylinder lock (also called a rim or mortise cylinder) and an outside cylindrical lock. 

The inside cylinder is best for existing doors in good condition, while the exterior door locks work well if you’re installing new hardware on your front doors, like a doorknob or deadbolt.

A sidebar is also worth considering, as it is a secondary lock that opens at the side of your door.

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2. Install a Door Chain

The second line of defense is to improve the security on your front door by installing a window or door chain that will prevent anyone from accessing the inside handle.

If you need additional reinforcement, use an exterior bar latch so it can’t be opened from either side. The only way someone would access this lock is if they broke the window or door to access it.

A secondary chain lock can also improve your front door security by adding a backup if the primary one fails.

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3. Install a Door Viewer

A door viewer is an attachment that can be added to your front door so you can see who’s on the other side when they knock or ring.

It protects anyone trying to break in by preventing them from hiding their presence and document what they are doing on the property.

This is a crucial security improvement for any business where there is the possibility of an intruder.

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4. Install a Peephole

A door viewer will improve your front door security, but what if you don’t have one? You can improve your front door security by installing a peephole if you don’t have one already.

A peephole is an additional option to improve security by letting you see who is on the other side of your front door.

There are two types to improve security: a hole in the door fitted with a small lens, and the other type is like a door viewer where you can view through an opening in your front door.

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5. Install a Knob Reinforcer

A doorknob can be easily broken by someone trying to break in. One way to improve the security on your front door is by installing a knob reinforcer.

A doorknob protector makes it difficult to break the doorknob, improves your front door security, and it also protects the door from damage when someone tries to break it.

The knob protector can be installed with hardware on an existing doorknob, but it is more commonly used to replace an old doorknob that hasn’t been replaced.

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6. Install a Doorstop

If you don’t have an opener installed on your front door, improve its security by installing a doorstop.

A doorstop prevents the door from opening, and it also serves as a great way to improve security by making someone must kick in the door before they can gain entry.

Doorstops are also a great way to improve security if you live in an area with high winds, as it prevents the door from being blown open.

This also works well if you want to improve your front door security against a possible break-in.

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7. Install a Security Door

If you need to improve your front door security and don’t want to put any other locks on it, improve the security by installing a good-quality steel door.

This is an excellent way to improve your front door security because it’s difficult for someone to break into your house unless they have the right tools.

Security doors are also sometimes called laminated, steel, or composite doors because of the material they are made from.

I recommend installing one with a fire-rated door, which is an extra layer of protection that helps improve the security of your front door in case of a fire.

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8.  Install an Access Control System

If you improve your front door security by installing a good-quality steel door, improve it even further with an access control system.

An access control system is a type of lock that allows you to grant or deny entry based on the code, and it can improve your front door security by allowing you to grant access only when needed.

An access control system can be installed on the inside of a steel door, and it will improve your front door security by ensuring the wrong person doesn’t gain entry.

An access control system is also useful for companies that want to improve their front door security because it makes the list of people more manageable.

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9. Install a Keypad

If you improve your front door security by installing an access control system, it will improve even further with a keypad.

A keypad is an excellent way to improve your front door security because it makes it difficult for someone who doesn’t know the code to attempt to break into your front door.

A keypad can improve the security of a steel or composite door, but it will also improve the security of a house that doesn’t have any other locks installed.

A keypad can also improve the security of your front door if you live in an area with high winds because it prevents the door from being blown open.

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We hope these 9 tactics have inspired you to act and make your home, workplace, or place of worship more secure. 

From installing security cameras with motion sensors to using a door stop alarm system on the back entrance, there are so many ways that you can keep yourself safe from intruders by taking simple measures such as making sure doors close automatically behind you when entering and exiting an area.

Don’t wait for something bad to happen before improving your front door security! Let us know if we’ve helped in any way – we’d love to hear about it. Talk soon!

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