Gregor White, University of Abertay, Dundee
Gregor White, from the University of Abertay Dundee, gave a short presentation on the interdiscplinary White Space located there.
Gregor also kindly sent us a copy of the White Sapce timeline of games and Dundee, which you can read a bit more about on Pixel-Love.
Dr. Mike Reddy, University of Wales, Newport
Speaking is something of a departure for Mike at the moment, who said he hasn't actually lectured students for a few years now, but he was a very good speaker. In particular, he strongly challenged the focus of Skillset and many studios on vocational skills and stressed the importance of research.
At the beginning of the talk he gave out his phone number and asked people to text him questions and comments, which is certainly a first for Games:EDU.
Nick Burton and Tom Hill, Rare
Nick Burton, along with Tom Hill, spoke about the way Rare works with graduate talent, and how studios can maintain strong relationships with universities.
Jonathan Purdy, University of Hull
Jon Purdy said he intended for his presentation to be "short and sweet", but confessed in the introduction that it would probably be short and bitter :)
Presenting alongside John Sear from the University of Derby, Gregor White from the University of Abertay Dundee, and former Hull student Steven Yau, now employed at EA, Jon's section of the academic workshops contained plenty of practical advice for games lecturers.