When you think about city living, you don’t always think about the ‘great outdoors’. But one thing we have learnt over the last couple of years since the stay at home rules of covid, is how important it is to have some access to outdoor space.
Never was this more obvious than in the apartment blocks in some of the large cities, where families were trapped in their homes week after week, with no access to a garden or terrace no matter how small, for some degree of relief from the confinement.
This is why, with a little bit of creativity, even the smallest of outside spaces can be transformed, from a small patch where you keep the bins, to a little oasis of calm and tranquillity. No matter how tired and grotty a space looks, imagination, more than money, can be used to great effect.
So here are some failsafe ways of transforming even the grottiest of spaces into an outdoor area that will feed your soul and even add value to your home.
Lay down some artificial grass
Whether you are titivating a terrace in Tunbridge, or beautifying a basement in Bexley, artificial grass will give your outdoor space an immediate lift, and hide a multitude of sins. The over-riding benefits of the fake lawn are that it brings colour and vividness to a bleak space, is also extremely easy to clean and maintain, will never need mowing or trimming, will not fade or go yellow during the hot weather, nor will it get soggy and muddy in the winter.
Clever use of mirrors
Strategically placing some outside mirrors on various surfaces could encourage the perception that your outside space is much larger than it actually is. They also have the added benefit of disguising exterior walls that need some work, but you do not have the skills or the budget to fix them.
Add layers of shelving and planters
You can maximise the amount of space available by creating ‘layers’ of planters and shelves for plants. This allows you to build some height to your garden without using up the limited floor space.
Blocks of colours
If the physical space allows it, add in small but unexpected blocks of your favourite colour. What your outside space lacks in size, it can more than make up for in terms of unpredictability and intrigue.
Choose plants for the perfume
Imagine those summer evenings sitting out among a plethora of overwhelming scents – there is nothing that can soothe a troubled soul more! Climbing plants such as honeysuckle will cover unattractive walls and flowers two or three times during the year, giving a glorious smell. Check out different clematis and make your selection based on colour and smell.
Introduce some bohemian textiles
Make the area a comfortable and welcoming place to sit and spend time by making sure the seating is comfortable with plenty of cushions and textiles to add colour, volume and texture. Warm blankets will make ensure you can use the area even as it gets chilly.
Add lighting
Lighting is an amazing element to weave into the overall garden design for an added wow factor. Outdoor lighting can be purchased relatively cheaply online, and powers through solar panels, so they are cheap and easy to run. Thread them through your planting, to give the foliage a new dimension. Stake them in front of the mirrors, to give immediately double up the number of lights you have available. Visit dailynewarticle.com to read latest ideas.
We hope that this feeds your imagination as to how you can quickly and easily improve any kind of outside space. All you need to do now is grab a glass and a good book, relax and enjoy!
Yuina Kimura, a safety expert, has been with our team since 2020, bringing over a decade of experience in home security. She holds a degree in Criminal Justice. Before her current role, she worked in public safety administration. Her articles combine practical safety advice with the latest technological advancements. With her extensive experience, she provides readers with innovative approaches to home safety. Yuina is also a certified self-defense instructor and enjoys hiking in her spare time.