Photos     Practicalities     Diary of the experience     The written messages

There are many ways to do 'Voices on the railings', and each event will be different.
This is one experience, in a small town on Saturday 15th February.

Please don't report these messages in the media.

The messages people wrote

Here are the messages which people wrote on the labels in our local town.  We just include those written on the first day - all 127 of them, unedited.

Inevitably, by reproducing just the words, we miss the designs and drawings.  We also miss the main part of the event - the thoughts and conversations in the streets and around the railings by the people who produced these comments.

The messages were meant for the railings.  We think it is acceptable to quote them on this site, because they were meant for the public to read, and they may inspire others in other towns.  But please don't report them in the media.
Why attack Iraq? USA & UK have both got WMDs, and are behaving dangerously.

We do not want to be drawn into bombing innocent civilians by an incompetent leader.

Blair isn’t listening to us. Why?

Remember the children.

The triumph of the Christian faith?

Bush and Blair, calm down and listen to the rest of the world.

There’s power in peace. Power to change the world.

Live and let live! Who are we to say “they” are any worse or different from us.

Against War.

If we attack Iraq, there will be a price to pay.

We have things in common with the Iraqis, like we can’t always be responsible for our governments.

Please, no war in Iraq.

Yes War!

Because we have no right to decide others’ futures. Because the track record of the “West” in terms of choosing the future, the political structures and the leaders for others is self serving, and remarkably poor. Because our enemies are our former puppets. - For these reasons, and more, we have no right to wage war.

Evil happens because good men do nothing.

Without sharing there can be no justice. Without justice there can be no peace. Without peace there can be no future.

Don’t attack Iraq!!!

I am … I am 6. No to war.

No war is morally justified.

What I am worried about is what will happen to us, if “we” attack Iraq. Won’t there be retaliations?

We need peace and tranquillity.

Don’t help America with the war.

War is not an answer.

(A child’s drawing)

I feel angry that the politicians are ignoring the public. We don’t want war. There is nothing to be gained!

Who’s the bad guys? Just because they are different!

I worry about my grandchildren’s future.

To go to war with Iraq is morally wrong. We too have weapons of mass destruction, and sold weapons and viruses to kill the Kurds. Stop the war.

Don’t bomb Iraq.

No war.

We should use the money for schools, hospitals etc, not on war. (We can always hope.)

Nothing has ever been resolved by war and the death of innocent people.

Don’t bomb Iraq.

Don’t be naïve Tony. No blood for oil.

How do we know who is telling the truth?

Do not bomb Iraq.

Tell Bush to get his war-mongering c**k out of Tony Blair’s a*s*.

No war. No nameless war.

Each time a low flying jet comes over my home, I wonder what it would be like to be under an American jet with smart bombs.

We teach our children not to hit out, and to talk, and to respect the feelings of others. Bush and Blair are you listening??

Jaw, jaw is better than war, war. Churchill

War has never made for good peace.

We who are all made in the image of God should try to live by His laws, and live in love. For the sake of humanity we need NO WARS.

No more wars. Britain has had enough.

I think a war is not good, but Saddam should be assassinated (ie SAS). I think the USA was wrong the last time to pull out. They should have got it over and done with the last time.

I wish I was wise enough to know the right answer.

War does not solve the problems. Killing innocent people does not solve the problems. Warmongers should be stopped.

(Child’s name) says no war.

No war in Iraq.

I want rid of Saddam to stop the torture of Iraqis, but I am not yet convinced that war is the best way.

Let the people decide.

Stop the war!

It’s time to listen to the people. NO WAR.

War should be a last resort. War kills innocent people. And once started, no one knows where it will end. The UN must be the only way.

War will only cause suffering. There is an alternative.

I think that Saddam needs to be dealt with, and war may be needed to produce the result. However I don’t trust Bush.

No to war.

Tony isn’t listening to us, and he isn’t creating a good reputation for himself. Don’t attack Iraq!!

Peace for the 21st Century. - the money spent on war would feed and clothe the starving millions, and give clean water where needed.

(Child’s name) age 6, I would not like to fight.

I don’t believe the war is necessary. The French and German proposal leads the way on how to disarm Iraq. Use inspectors and a UN army.

Blair’s fame has gone to his brain.

Only love can defy violence, hatred and anger. Can we really remove Saddam Hussein by killing innocent people? So what is the point of war? We need to examine our motivation carefully.

Bush is a cheeky rat. How about no Bush?

I was walking in one of the most beautiful places on a beautiful planet. Your actions Mr Blair, if you do not heed the opinion of the common people, may rob my children, and their future children, and me, of this amazing gift, and thousands of innocent Iraqi children of their lives.

I don’t want to go to war with Iraq, because it will kill more good people than bad, and waste money.
Starting a war with Iraq will cause untold suffering to the innocent people of Iraq, and do little to Saddam. A peaceful solution must be sought. Short term political gains are not worth a single life.

Blair, first you killed our lambs, now sending our sons to war, the slaughter!! Why?

A moment of madness. A generation’s remorse.

Nearly 60 years after the ‘final solution’, we still show that there is no solution using the tools of politics and religion. Just stop now!

Pray for an end to the war mongering. Pray for a change of regime in Iraq, North Korea and other places ruled by greedy dictators.

In Iraq there are millions of people dying because of Saddam. We should remove him!!! Why should we trust Bush? He has gone to war for his own benefit before, why trust him now.

Why are the political leaders not representing how the people feel. They’re all as barmy as each other.

Dear Messrs Blair + Bush. Stop. Think. Before it is too late. Saddam is a man of hate and death, but there must be another way to make him listen to world opinion. Ask yourselves, what would Osama want you to do? Do the opposite. Have the courage to change your mind.

It’s the leaders of the countries that need to sort out their differences, not the people!!!

Aggression breeds aggression.

Please keep this world a beautiful place. Destruction solves nothing. It will only breed more hate.

Surely there is another way!

Let’s think of our children, and talk through these problems. (This is a drawing by my son, aged 2.)

If there is going to be a war, let it be between the leaders, not the minions.

Peace in the name of the Queen. Long live peace.

In the name of the Queen, peace.

No bloody war!!!

Let there be peace please.

This impending war is more about oil than weapons. I feel guilty about the innocent people who may be killed.

It’s not a war, it’s an invasion.

Bush wants oil.

Make peace, not war.

Let me remember that I should strive to treat all men and women as equals. Let there be peace shared among us. Let it begin with me.

Attack Iraq - Why? What’s the evidence?

All we’re saying is give peace a chance

Most unsure about the whole issue. Need more info urgently.

Hanging too good for them!! Bomb them. This is not a war, it’s an invasion. No war. Weapon of mass reconciliation. (in various handwriting.)

War doesn’t solve anything. It just makes the problems we already have worse. Peace Man!

Evidence? What evidence? It was a ripped-off thesis!

War is bad.

We should not be going war. The innocent people of Iraq are the ones who will suffer. Bush is lying to everyone.

Who is terrorising who? Let there be peace.

Nobody knows what they’re doing. It’s just their best guesses. The reasons behind those guesses seem dodgy for some people. I don’t think Saddam is a nice man, but I don’t think Bush is a good man. No war, I think, but something else.

Sorting out Palestine’s problems would be a bloody good start.

It’s time to listen to the people. No war.

There is a peaceful response to this. We don’t have to go to war. To stop the Irish terrorism they got the Northern Ireland Assembly. To stop the Middle East terrorism we need to stop the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Jaw, not War. Peace to all men.

The money they will spend on bombs could pay third world debt, cure AIDS and hunger. Why use that money to kill Iraqis.

Don’t go to war with Iraq.

Don’t go to war with Iraq. Tony Blair, George Bush, Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden should fight it themselves in a boxing ring, instead of putting the whole world at risk - (name) aged 12.

Don’t attack Iraq.

There is a lot of innocent people in Iraq, who might be killed.

They should not go to war.

No war.

Let the UN do the talking. Stop Bush’s plan!

As a former soldier, I have seen too many “justified” wars! Please do not make this fiasco another!

UK should act in conjunction with France and Germany. No justification has been demonstrated for a war against Iraq.

Until the Palestinian problem is solved, there will always be conflict.

Thou shalt not kill. We are not being attacked, and should not make war on others.

I’m afraid about what will happen in this country if US/UK bomb Iraq!

Peace! while there’s still time.

Talk and listen, don’t fight!!!

You deal with terrorists by removing the cause of their frustration. - In the Middle East that’s Israel. By bombing Iraq, we make things worse, not better.

I don’t want a war with Bush + Blair, 21st Century Hitler & Mussolini.

Long live the Queen in peace.

Chill out. Sort it out. No need for war.

War is not the answer.

As long as there is a bully in the playground, there will be trouble. Deal with the causes not the symptoms.

Home rule for Scotland! Half the soldiers will be Scottish soldiers.

Public opinion is the only weapon we have against our Government. Think of the innocent. Speak your mind, and don’t let Blair take us to war.

Life is very precious. Let’s live.