Spring has finally sprung, and it’s the best time to deep clean your home. It’s not only a good idea to get rid of the dust and dirt that have accumulated over the winter, but the mid-season is also the most suitable time to perform spring maintenance on your HVAC system.

Spring maintenance on your HVAC system will help keep it running efficiently and provide cleaner air in your home. A system that is running efficiently can save you a lot of money on your energy bills and prevent costly repairs.

As more and more people are installing HVAC systems in their homes and seeing the benefits, it’s no wonder why the global HVAC market is growing. For instance, the market size of the heating and air-conditioning contractors industry in Canada is expected to increase by 3.2% in 2023.

If you want to extend the life of your HVAC unit, you should know that it necessitates regular maintenance just like any other mechanical unit, and it’s essential that you follow certain steps to prepare it for use in the warmer seasons ahead.

Below, we share some of the best spring maintenance tips for your HVAC system that will improve the air quality in your home and make it feel a lot cozier.

Replace HVAC Air Filters

You should always check your air filters, clean them, and replace them. If you want to maintain good air quality in your home, this is the number one spring maintenance tip.

It’s important to have your HVAC system inspected by HVAC professionals before turning it on. This will not only ensure safety but also extend its life. All of this is important for maintaining indoor air quality, preventing unneeded repairs and breakdowns in the coming months, and improving home comfort.

So make sure to call a reputable professional if you want to ensure that your filters will be replaced accordingly. If, for example, you happen to live in Vancouver, Canada, search for the best Vancouver HVAC team of technicians who offer round-the-clock service and whose priority is providing HVAC expertise and top-quality work.

Remove Debris from the Outdoor Unit

During the fall and winter, it is likely that debris has accumulated around the external unit. Be sure to clean the area around your outdoor HVAC unit before you start your spring landscaping projects. Rake up the dirt, leaves, and branches piled in the 2-foot area around it. Also, trim back any bushes or plants growing nearby. Use a garden hose attachment or a vacuum to remove the grimy winter buildup from the coils.

Clear the Drainage Hole

A drainage hole is usually located at the base of an air conditioner’s cabinet. This hole must be kept clear for your HVAC unit to function properly. A drainage hole that is not kept clean can easily become blocked and stop your unit from draining. It will increase the stress on your unit and reduce its efficiency. Clogs can also occur at the P trap, located not far from the drain hole. Therefore, remember to also clear the P-trap.

Schedule a Professional Duct Cleaning

The ductwork is also an important part of your HVAC system. For great indoor air, the early spring is the ideal time to schedule a duct cleaning. It’s best to clean the ducts before you turn on the air conditioner. If there are any cracks in the duct system, they should be taken care of as well.

An HVAC professional can clean the ducts thoroughly from dust, mold, and other allergens that have collected during the wintertime. This can also help allergy sufferers, as it will remove spring pollen from the home’s air system. It is recommended that homeowners schedule duct-cleaning services every five to seven years.

Get a Programmable Thermostat

Take advantage of the latest technology and install a programmable thermometer if you don’t already have one. This will not only give you more control over the temperature of your home but may also lower your energy bills as you can program it to run less frequently when you aren’t home.

If you don’t have a programmable temperature control system already installed, this spring is the perfect time to do so. It is important to update the schedule and adjust your thermostat’s settings once you have one installed. Also, always check to make sure that all vents are open.

Final Words

Warmer days are right around the corner, so it’s time for you to spring clean your home’s HVAC system so that it can run smoothly and efficiently. With these spring maintenance tips, you’ll be only a few steps away from fresher indoor air, lower energy bills, and an HVAC system that can be expected to last longer. Remember to always call in professional HVAC services for regular maintenance to ensure your HVAC system serves you for years.

Christopher Gray

Christopher Gray

Christopher Gray, an accomplished professional with over a decade of experience in the technical and mechanical domain, is known for his in-depth articles that simplify complex concepts. Christopher holds a Mechanical Engineering degree. Before dedicating himself to writing, he worked with leading engineering firms, gaining hands-on systems design and maintenance expertise. When not delving into the latest industry trends, Christopher enjoys model building and exploring historical sites.

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