A Zodiac-Like Letter


This letter was located in July 2009 by Dorothy S., NIN on the ZodiacKiller.com Message Board.


The author of this letter is unknown at this time. Notice, however, the similarity of this handwriting to that on the Zodiac letters. In this letter there are references to "Charlie," "Tex," and "Barker's Ranch" - all connect to Charles Manson. Manson had spent some time in Mexico during the 1950s. He had also been arrested in Laredo, Texas on June 1, 1960. And there is a Mines Road in Laredo.



There are lines drawn between sections of this letter. Zodiac had done this also.


July 31, 1969 San Francisco Examiner letter

November 9, 1969 "Bus Bomb" letter page 1



The words "the star" are underlined in line 2 of this letter. Zodiac underlined words.


May 8, 1974 "Citizen Card"


This page seems to be a continuation from one or more previous pages. So there is the assumption that "the star" has already been mentioned.



The upper case I in line 4 is like some of Zodiac's Is.


 This letter  

  June 26, 1970
  "Button" letter



Specific directions are given in this letter. Zodiac gave directions in his letters.


November 9, 1969 "Bus Bomb" letter page 3



In line 10, the lower case "n" in the word "into" looks eerily like the backwards written upper case "N" on the Zodiac's "Halloween Card."

This letter  

  October 27, 1970
  "Halloween Card"



There are grammatical errors and misspellings in this letter. The writer misspells "hide" as "hid". There is no comma between "Laredo" and "Texas". The word "initials" is misspelled leaving out the third "i". This is done twice. "Took" is used instead of "taken". The first word of a sentence is un-capitalized - "marker" in line 12. All similar to how Zodiac has written his letters.



Zodiac also misspelled words by using double letters.

This letter   

 "Bus Bomb" letter page 2
   April 20, 1970
  Bomb Diagram
 "Button" letter



Compare the lower case "r"s in this letter with the classic check mark "r"s of the Zodiac.

This letter   

  December 20, 1969
        "Belli" letter



There is a period drawn as a circle at the end of the letter. Zodiac has used circle periods.


March 13,1971 envelope to the Los Angeles Times.



And, of course, the circular symbol signature.




Here is Zodiac's Peace Symbol drawn on the April 28, 1970 Dragon Card.




Every one of these characteristics are also found in the Zodiac's letters.



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